Case Study Showcase: The Mimo Story: How ISA Improved Access to Content through AI >>
w/ Betty Bot

The Mimo Story: How ISA Improved Access to Content through AI
In “The Mimo Story,” we’ll explore the International Society of Automation’s (ISA) journey into AI using Betty to improve content accessibility and exposure. Jason Wampler from ISA will share how his association built and successfully launched Mimo, an AI knowledge assistant powered by Betty technology, to revolutionize the way members and non-members are engaging with ISA’s vast knowledge library and discovering information with ease (even in their language of choice!). The session will cover ISA’s decision-making process, implementation strategies, and the tangible benefits they’ve experienced since launching Mimo. Whether you’re an AI novice or exploring advanced solutions, you’ll gain practical knowledge on overcoming challenges, engaging your team, and leveraging AI to better serve your members.