Sidney Galati

Sidney Galati

Sales & Partnerships Manager, Bumblebee Data

Sidney is the Sales & Partnerships Manager for Bumblebee Data and works to help organizations improve their data quality through automation and make data clean-up a strategic goal. Her previous experience in Business Development for an Association Management System has allowed her to understand and relate how the upkeep of data quality plays a crucial role in the upkeep of an association’s database.

Case Study Showcase: Data Detox – CTA’s Strategic Approach to Contact Data Hygiene >>
w/ Bumblebee Data

Data Detox: CTA’s Strategic Approach to Contact Data Hygiene Discover how the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) tackled the common yet daunting issue of legacy data buildup in their AMS and other systems. Faced with challenges familiar to many associations and non-profits—such as duplicate entries, outdated records, and inconsistent data—CTA turned to Bumblebee Data to revolutionize […]